Mucogingival Procedures
There are two types of gum tissues in the mouth. The type closer to the tooth has an extra layer of “skin” called keratin — the same protein that is in your hair and nails, and is naturally pink in color.
The gum tissue closer to the lip lacks this layer and is called mucosa. It has been shown that in the presence of periodontal disease, gum will be lost faster without this keratinized layer and poses a mucogingival problem.
Mucogingival Surgery to Add Keratinized Tissue


To correct the problem of thinning gum, additional gum from another site in the mouth can be added.
Root Coverage
When gum tissue recedes, the roots of the teeth may become exposed and lead to increased sensitivity or aesthetic problems. These problems can be alleviated by grafting gum from another part of the mouth to cover the exposed roots.






New Technology in Soft Tissue Grafting!!
Call our office to find out about new and improved grafting technology that allows for an easier and more comfortable healing process.
Learn more about soft-tissue treatment.